The overall objective of the actions of which this contract will be a part is to contribute to the transformation towards low-carbon, resource-efficient, circular, resilient and environmentally sustainable development in line with the EU Green Deal, the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).
These actions will also contribute to the objective “to enhance the conservation, sustainable use and management of natural capital (biodiversity, water, land, soil) and ecosystems (terrestrial, coastal, marine) and to demonstrate their important contribution to poverty reduction and local development”, and “to contribute to better international environment and climate governance in line with the external dimension of the EU’s environment and climate change policies, and to enhance the role of the EU as a global actor in delivery of the UN 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change”
The purpose of this contract is as follows: improved integration of environment, biodiversity, climate change and Disaster Risk Reduction (EBCD) in EU supported policies, programmes and investments.
Support will be provided to partner countries’ institutions and to EU services, both EU Delegations and Commission headquarters. The services provided will contribute to implement the EU Green Deal’s ambition to mainstream environmental sustainability and climate objectives in all EU policies and action.
Result 1: there is an increased awareness and understanding among EU staff and partner countries of the importance of effectively and systematically integrating environment, biodiversity, climate change and DRR (EBCD) in policies, programmes, investments and budget support operations;
Result 2: technical capacities and knowledge of all stakeholders, in particular of EU staff, strengthened through training, sharing of knowledge and expertise and other capacity development activities;
Result 3: EU services and partner institutions actually request and receive support services at the various stages of the cycle of operations;
Result 4: all programmes, actions, blending/investments and budget support operations with significance to EBCD are screened, reviewed and commented, where appropriate, during the design stage, to enhance their quality regarding the integration of EBCD;
Result 5: financial contributions to EBCD objectives are systematically tracked in all operations financed by the EU, in compliance with applicable guidelines, and the contribution of EU development operations to EBCD-related objectives is adequately monitored, analysed and reported on;
Result 6: adequate procedures, guidelines and tools for greening EU cooperation are developed, updated/revised, disseminated and implemented