This project aims to improve governance in the forestry sector and support the effective implementation of measures to fight against the illegal exploitation of timber. This is done to operationalise the system of control of the APV/FLEGT in the Republic of Congo.
The following results must be achieved:
1 The procedures necessary for the implementation of the LAS and the APV are completed, maintained semi-annually and distributed to stakeholders; they are trained to use and can operate independently in accordance with the requirements of the APV.
2 A training of stakeholders (central and decentralised administrations involved in the implementation of the APV, and where forest companies are present) required for the implementation of the LAS homogeneous across the country , is provided and implemented;
3 In accordance with the commitments of the APV (Annex X) public access to information is guaranteed, communication on the implementation of the APV is active, focused, consistent and effective with actors and national and international partners the national players are aware of relevant manner on targeted issues that are useful;
4 A sustainable financing mechanism of the LAS and sustainable implementation of the APV in the Republic of Congo is prepared and ready for use;
5 The competent authorities of the state are supported so that they deliver to businesses legality certificates and export FLEGT effectively followed and permissions.