The overall objective of this contract is to contribute to the development and coordination of the EU B4Life Flagship, with the aim to ensure coherence and visibility of all biodiversity-targeting interventions within the overall EU development agenda and with regard to own EU’s and international biodiversity-related targets and commitments.
Specifically, the purpose of this contract is to provide technical support to the Commission services, both Headquarters (DG-DEVCO) and EU Delegations and partner countries for the effective implementation of B4Life Flagship Initiative, including overall coordination of all development cooperation actions targeting biodiversity and ecosystem services as principal objective.
– Result 1. The quality of EU programmes and projects on biodiversity and ecosystem services is improved thanks to the technical support which the Facility will provide to EU Delegations and DEVCO Headquarters staff at any stage of their project cycle (multi-year programming, identification, formulation, implementation and evaluation).
– Result 2. EU actions on biodiversity and ecosystem services are more visible and more coherent thanks to improved communication and coordination.
– Result 3. EU development cooperation actions contribute more to a better awareness and understanding of the linkage between biodiversity/ecosystem services and development/poverty reduction, through an enhanced knowledge and experience sharing at EU and international level.